Frequently Asked Dental Questions – Dublin, OH

Your Questions Answered

At Distinctive Smiles of Dublin, we’re here to answer your questions. We know you probably have many about our dental services, how we operate, and various payment options to make dental care more affordable. As you’ll see below, we’ve compiled some of the most frequently asked dental questions received by our team and provided clear, concise answers for you to review. If you don’t see yours listed, please feel free to contact our dental office.

How often do I need to see a dentist?

It is recommended that patients see their dentist every six months for regular checkups and cleanings. Some individuals may be required to come in more frequently, especially if they suffer from periodontal disease; however, the average person only needs two appointments each year. This ensures that any potential issues associated with decay, gum disease, or serious damage are addressed before they worsen and become more complex and timelier to treat.

Will I need a referral for dental implant placement?

Yes, you will be required to see an outside specialist for dental implant placement, but you can rest easy knowing that our team partners with the best. It is the goal of the oral surgeon to ensure that your posts are firmly in place and will provide the necessary amount of support for your restoration. In providing the referral, our team will work closely with the surgeon to ensure everything goes well before you return to our dental office to receive your customized restoration.

Does a chipped tooth need to be treated right away?

It may seem worth panicking over when dealing with a chipped tooth, but these injuries can wait a few days before coming in for an appointment. You’re always welcome to inquire about a same-day visit, but we’ll likely go over the situation and provide at-home first aid tips to help you manage any discomfort and avoid the possibility of infection. Within a few days of the injury, you will need to come in to discuss your treatment options so that we can fix the tooth and have it look brand new.

Will you see my child?

Yes, we are considered a family dental office that is pleased to serve both children and adults. By bringing your family in to undergo treatment with Dr. Buck and our team, you can expect the same great care for everyone you love. There’s no need to develop additional relationships with other dentists in the area when all of you can stay in the same place for assistance. And our kind and friendly demeanor is a positive component that our younger patients appreciate.

Will you accept my dental insurance?

Yes, we will be happy to accept your dental insurance plan. Our team will file any claims paperwork on your behalf so that you can receive the maximum benefits when undergoing any type of dental treatment. Instead of worrying about the financial side of dentistry, you can expect us to work closely with your dental insurance company to help you get the most out of your plan before it expires at the end of each calendar year.