When to Book Your Child’s First Visit With the Dentist in Dublin

January 27, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 12:28 am

dentist in dublin serves childrenAs a new parent, you’re keeping track of a lot of “firsts.” Your baby’s first steps, favorite foods, and then those very first words. But before your little one really starts talking, there’s something else you need to put in their book of firsts: a visit to the dentist in Dublin!

Dr. Eric Buck and Dr. Hannah Burton recommend children begin seeing the dentist around the time they turn one. It may seem early, but it’s a big step toward a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums.

Why So Early?

Many parents are surprised to learn that their baby’s dental care begins before they even have all their teeth, but those first pearly whites are vulnerable to an issue known as baby bottle tooth decay. And while it is not naturally present in their mouths, your child can also “catch” the bacteria that causes tooth decay from you, through kissing, sharing utensils, and blowing on his or her food.

But visiting the dentist from an early age isn’t only about checking for issues like decay or infection. It’s also a great way to introduce your little one to the sights, faces, and sounds of the dentist’s office before they reach the age that they’re likely to be timid around new people and places.

What Happens During Your Child’s First Visit?

When you bring your baby in for his or her very first appointment at Distinctive Smiles of Dublin, we’ll give you both a warm, friendly welcome. We love little ones at our office! We also know that positive impressions from an early age help children form a positive attitude toward dental care.

Your child will sit in your lap during the visit, and we’ll just take a quick look around their mouth to make sure those first teeth are healthy as can be.

After we’ve taken a peek in your baby’s mouth, it’s your turn to ask any questions you may have  — like how often to brush? And should you use toothpaste? What about baby bottle tooth decay? We’re here to answer all of your questions.

In general, here are some things you should know about caring for your baby’s first teeth.

  • Brush teeth twice a day with a baby’s toothbrush.
  • Do not let your baby go to sleep with a bottle to avoid baby bottle tooth decay.
  • Avoid filling the bottle with anything other than milk, formula, or water.
  • Begin flossing as soon as any teeth touch each other.

Go Ahead, Book That First Visit Today!

The friendly team at Distinctive Smiles of Dublin is waiting to welcome you and your little one for his or her very first visit. It’s a big occasion, because it denotes the start of a lifetime of healthy, beautiful smiles! If your child is one or older and has yet to visit the dentist, schedule an appointment with the family dentist in Dublin today.