About Dr. Buck

Dr. Buck holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in zoology from Miami University and is a graduate of The Ohio State University College of Dentistry with a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree. Originally from Louisville, OH, Dr. Buck and his family have lived in the Dublin area for over ten years. His wife, Heather, is a business analyst for Fiserv Corporation in Dublin and likes traveling and reading. Dr. Buck and his wife have two children, Logan and Riley. Their son Logan is three years old and enjoys pizza, corndogs, and playing with his little friends. And their daughter Riley is just a few months old and she enjoys sleeping and being cute. Dr. Buck is an avid Buckeye fan and enjoys golfing, traveling, cooking/grilling, and spending time with family and friends. Dr. Buck is very passionate about providing great dental care and accomplishing the goals of his patients. He believes a person’s confidence and self esteem begin with healthy teeth and a beautiful smile.

Here are my most recent posts

Same-Day Dental Crowns: Interesting Facts to Know About Them

October 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 5:08 pm
a same-day dental crown being constructed

If you have a damaged or decayed tooth and you want a quick solution, then you’re likely considering same-day crowns to repair the problem. While they might be similar to traditional dental caps, they also have unique differences that make them a more convenient option for fixing your smile. Keep reading to learn three interesting facts about same-day crowns and what you can expect from the treatment and results.


Top Dental Emergencies Athletes Should Watch Out For

July 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 3:40 pm
an athlete preparing to run a race

Whether you participate in contact sports or competitive athletic activities, you’ll want to be careful to protect yourself as well as your smile. One wrong move and you can end up taking a ball to the mouth or falling face first—both of which can seriously injure your teeth. While there are various dental emergencies that athletes might encounter, there are also several measures you can take to protect your oral health. Keep reading to learn about some of the common urgent situations to look out for and how you can prevent an emergency.


Tips for Making Your Dental Checkup Go Smoothly

June 26, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 2:23 pm
a patient undergoing a dental checkup with her dentist

Most people know that the best way to maintain a healthy and beautiful smile is by scheduling regular dental checkups and cleanings every six months. While you may have been visiting your dentist as recommended, there are always ways to make your appointments go much smoother than the previous ones. Read on to learn a few tips that can help ensure an easier dental checkup for both you and your dentist.


Tasty Summer Meals: Foods to Enjoy with Dental Implants

June 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 1:13 pm
several plates of tasty summer foods

Now that summer is here, you’re bound to want to enjoy a great cookout with family and friends. However, now that you have dental implants, you might wonder if you’ll still be able to munch on any of your favorite meals of the season. Fortunately, these titanium posts are fully supported by your jawbone, meaning you don’t have to worry about your new pearly whites moving out of place. Here are a few kinds of foods you can be free to munch on as well as tips to consider when protecting your smile.


4 Benefits of Visiting Your Dentist Before Summer Vacation

May 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 1:59 pm
a couple on a sandy beach for summer vacation

Summer has arrived, and you’re likely looking forward to plans of being out in the sun. Whether you’re going to the beach, heading out for vacation, or taking a dip in the pool with friends, there are bound to be plenty of activities to enjoy. However, you might want to consider visiting your dentist before fully engaging in all the fun this season. Read on to learn four advantages of scheduling a dental checkup before summer vacation.  


From Start to Finish: A Brief Look at an Oral Cancer Screening

April 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 4:55 pm
a patient undergoing an oral cancer screening

Did you know that as of 2024, according to the American Cancer Society, there have been roughly 58,450 instances of oropharyngeal or oral cavity cancer in America? Various reasons can contribute to this large number (smoking, drinking too much alcohol, HPV, etc.), including demographic factors (like men have a higher chance of getting oral cancer than women). Whatever the case might be, early detection is the best method for minimizing your risks. Keep reading to learn the importance of oral cancer screenings and what to expect from the process.


The Layers in the Story: A Guide to the Veneer Process

March 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 4:27 pm
a woman undergoing the veneer process

It’s been several years now that you’ve noticed one or several imperfections in your smile. Whether this is minor discoloration in your teeth or a small chip on a tooth, you might be wondering what the best way is to fix the issue. If you want a solution for improving and beautifying your pearly whites, then veneers may be the optimal choice for you! But how exactly does the treatment work? Keep reading to learn about the veneer process and what to expect before beginning your cosmetic procedure.


New Year, New Teeth: 5 Ways to Improve Your Oral Health

January 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 4:30 pm
a woman writing down her New Year’s resolutions

With 2024 finally arriving, plenty of people are coming up with New Year’s resolutions to improve their quality of life. While there are numerous things to consider, such as traveling abroad or changing certain habits, one simple way to enhance your well-being is to practice steps for avoiding oral health issues, such as gum disease and cavities. Read on to learn five easy resolutions for a healthier smile this year and beyond!


Holiday Havoc: Is This the Worst Time of Year for Dental Health?

December 18, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 3:39 pm
a woman covering her mouth

If you’re looking for magic, festivities, and joy during the year, the holidays are the surest time to expect them. However, these months may not be so exciting for your teeth. After all, there are plenty of oral habits this time of year that can leave your smile susceptible to issues like cavities and bacteria. Even so, this doesn’t mean you’ll have to forego the festivities altogether. Keep reading to learn factors that make the holidays bad for your smile and ways to preserve your pearly whites.  


Easy On the Cheers: Holiday Drinks That Aren’t Too Smile-Friendly

November 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 3:08 pm
people enjoying and toasting holiday drinks

Are you excited to enjoy the holidays with your family and loved ones? During this month, you’re likely looking forward to munching on your favorite foods and sipping delicious beverages. However, some drinks might not be very friendly toward your smile. Keep reading to learn a few holiday beverages that could negatively impact your oral health and how you can avoid complications.

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