January 18, 2015

Filed under: Practice — Tags: , — Dr. Buck @ 10:46 pm

Toothbrushes eventually wear out and need to be replaced. Numerous studies show that, after three months of normal wear and tear, the nylon bristles in toothbrushes are a good deal less effective at removing plaque from tooth surfaces and gums than new ones. To be effective, bristles must be able to make their way into the crevices that harbor the bacteria that are constantly forming to pose a threat to tooth enamel and gums. In addition to replacing toothbrushes, it is also important to allow them to air dry after use since wet bristles are breeding grounds for unhealthy bacteria and fungi. Be sure to replace toothbrushes after a bout with a common cold to reduce the risk of reinfection.


January 6, 2015

Filed under: Practice — Tags: — Dr. Buck @ 12:39 am

In the event that tooth decay penetrates the tooth’s crown and pierces the root chamber, the root becomes infected with all the attendant pain. At this point, the patient has the choice of having the tooth extracted or undergoing “root canal treatment.” Extraction is a quick fix that poses two drawbacks. The first is that the gap left behind must be filled. The second is that, when teeth are extracted, the supporting bone under the gum shrinks. Thus, as a general rule, it is best to keep the roots of natural teeth as long as possible. A tooth with an infected root can usually be saved with root canal treatment, after which an artificial crown can be set in place.