Adult Orthodontics with Six Month Smiles in Dublin, OH

December 28, 2015

young man with a beautiful smile thanks to adult orthodontics in dublin, ohIf you are one of many adults who never corrected misaligned teeth in your teens, you may think that unsightly, uncomfortable metal braces are your only option. At Distinctive Smiles of Dublin, we offer patients a quick, cosmetic alternative: Six Month Smiles. This orthodontic treatment looks and feels great throughout the teeth straightening process, and allows patients to love their smiles again in just six months.

Finding the right Dentist in Dublin, Ohio

December 9, 2015

man doing research looking for the best dentist in dublin ohioWhen it comes to choosing a dentist, the first question any patient should ask is, “What dental service, amenity, or doctor qualification matters most to me?” The answer to this question, should guide any search for a dental practitioner.

Chipped Tooth Repair Options

December 1, 2015

Smile with a chipped toothIt’s a warm summer day, and you’re sitting on the front porch with a cool glass of ice water. A piece of ice flows into your mouth, and you decide to enjoy the cold. After letting the ice melt in your mouth for a bit, you take a bite, and pain shoots through your mouth. You spit out the ice, and with it, a shiny piece of tooth enamel. A relaxing summer day just turned into a trip to the dentist. Everyday people chip teeth for numerous reasons including biting into hard objects like ice, using teeth as tools to open packages or crack nuts, leaving bruxism (tooth grinding and clenching) untreated, and uneven pressure caused by a misaligned bite. The good news, is that these things can typically be avoided, and Distinctive Smiles of Dublin can repair chipped teeth, when these situations do arise.

Tips from your Children’s Dentist: The Lesser Evils of Halloween Candy

October 26, 2015

Kids in Halloween costumes ready to find out which candies are better for their teeth from the Dublin children's dentistDuring the holidays, especially Halloween, eating healthy is a challenge for everyone, but one aspect of health that is often forgotten amidst the holiday bustle is oral health. High sugar and carbohydrate foods combine with bacteria in the mouth to form acidic, tooth decaying, gum irritating plaque. There are very few holiday favorites that don’t fall into the category sugar or complex carbohydrates. As your kids gather bags of Halloween candy, take a look at the contents of their trick-or-treating loot, and help them make good choices for their oral health this Halloween.

Implant Retained Denture Procedure: What to Expect

September 25, 2015

Woman with a beautiful, natural smile thanks to implant retained denturesIf you’re planning to replace your missing teeth with implant supported dentures, congratulations. You’ve made an excellent choice in tooth replacement. Implant retained dentures are far more secure than those that merely sit on top of your gums, and that means there’s no need to worry about them slipping around or falling out at inopportune moments. And, because dental implants also replace the tooth’s root, your jawbone maintains the stimulation it needs to stay healthy — which means you’re at less risk for more tooth loss later on.

It’s best to know what’s involved with the dental implant procedure. Read on to learn what you can expect during the entire process.


January 18, 2015

Filed under: Practice — Tags: , — Dr. Buck @ 10:46 pm

Toothbrushes eventually wear out and need to be replaced. Numerous studies show that, after three months of normal wear and tear, the nylon bristles in toothbrushes are a good deal less effective at removing plaque from tooth surfaces and gums than new ones. To be effective, bristles must be able to make their way into the crevices that harbor the bacteria that are constantly forming to pose a threat to tooth enamel and gums. In addition to replacing toothbrushes, it is also important to allow them to air dry after use since wet bristles are breeding grounds for unhealthy bacteria and fungi. Be sure to replace toothbrushes after a bout with a common cold to reduce the risk of reinfection.