A Way to Maximize Your Dental Insurance from Your Dentist in Dublin!

October 6, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 5:58 am

dental insurance form glasses penOne of the great trends that shows in recent data is that nearly 80% of Americans now enjoy some form of dental insurance. The downside, however, is that only 2.8% of that population maxes-out coverage by the end of the year. That means there are both money and care left on the table. Can anything be done to get more from your dental insurance? Read on as your dentist in Dublin weighs in with a simple yet effective solution!

What Does Your Dental Insurance Cover?

Dental insurance is primarily reserved for procedures that have a direct impact on your oral health. The different forms of care are divided into the following three groups:

  • Preventive Care – As the name suggests, these visits play a huge role in preventing a host of oral health problems like cavities and gum disease, by eliminating harmful bacteria in the mouth. Because of the cost-savings down the road, most insurance companies will pay for up to 100% of the costs of these visits.
  • Basic Care – To have a cavity filled or to receive a root canal treatment, you can expect to pay from 20-40% of the costs.
  • Major Care – The placement of a dental crown, bridge or a set of dentures typically averages around 50%.

The common denominator is an increase in the patient’s out-of-pocket contribution for the more involved procedures. Thus, since it garners the most coverage, it’s more advantageous to visit your dentist every six months for preventive care.

Why are Preventive Care Visits So Important?

When you visit your dentist semi-annually for preventive care, you’ll enjoy the following benefits:

  • You’ll receive a thorough cleaning to remove any harmful plaque and tartar that could contribute to dental woes.
  • In some cases, both your dental hygienist and dentist will examine your mouth, teeth, gums, neck and jaw. They will be looking for signs of encroaching or present danger so it can be quickly nipped in the bud.

Now is the Time!

Most insurance companies will renew coverage at the start of the new year. Thus, any remaining coverage from the previous year, sadly, will be lost. To prevent this from happening and to receive the utmost in care, consistently visiting your dentist is the answer.

Preventive care is of great importance to both your oral and overall health. So to receive the peace-of-mind that comes along with it, reach out to your local dentist to schedule a visit today!

About the Author

Dr. Eric Buck is a graduate of The Ohio State University College of Dentistry. Since earning his dental degree, he has taken hours of continuing education courses to further enhance his skills and to broaden his knowledge. Additionally, Dr. Buck maintains membership in several professional organizations, including the prestigious Spear Education Society and the Academy of General Dentistry. He helps patients receive the maximum benefits from their dental insurance at Distinctive Smiles, and he can be reached for more information through his website.