How Long Can You Expect a Dental Implant to Last?

December 2, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 9:49 pm

Have you been living with missing teeth? If so, then simple tasks like chewing food and pronouncing certain words may have become difficult. The good news is that you can finally have your smile restored to normal without taking the more traditional routes of a fixed bridge or dentures. For a more reliable form of replacement, you can now receive dental implants in Dublin. How long should you expect the new fixtures to last, though? Continue reading to find out!

What is a Dental Implant?

A dental implant is unlike any other form of tooth replacement. The primary reason is that it attaches beneath the gum line, whereas the other methods rest above the gums. More specifically, a fixed bridge is bonded to the surrounding teeth with the use of dental cement, while a set of dentures is held in place using dental adhesive and the natural suction inside the mouth.

To provide a more reliable and longer-lasting restoration, a cylinder-shaped dental implant is surgically inserted into the underlying jawbone. Over a period of six to nine months, the implant will fuse with the existing bone through a process called osseointegration. This will also provide time for your jaw and gums to heal from the initial surgery.

Later, a titanium abutment is attached that will allow a final restoration to be added. When it’s all said and done, you’ll have a natural-looking-and-feeling set of teeth.

How Long Can You Expect Dental Implants to Last?

One of the greatest perks of dental implant placement is the longevity that it provides. With proper care, you can typically expect your new fixtures to last 30 years or more. Thus, when you decide to have the procedure done, you’re making a lifetime commitment to excellent oral health.

To fully reap the benefits, though, there are some steps that you’ll need to take.

How to Preserve Your New Smile

Here’s what you can do to ensure your dental implants endure the test of time:

  • Maintain Your Oral Hygiene – As a general rule of thumb, you should be brushing and flossing your teeth at least two times a day to rid your mouth of harmful bacteria.
  • Monitor Your Food Consumption – While dental implants can restore up to 95% of your original chewing capacity, it’s best to limit your consumption of hard items like carrots and nuts.
  • Receive Treatment for Teeth Grinding – If you’re prone to grinding your teeth, you should reach out to your dentist to be examined and treated. Otherwise, you run the risk of causing your dental implants to dislodge.
  • Maintain Regular Dental Visits – Many potential problems can be addressed early before they become worse by maintaining regular visits to your dentist. In the long run, it will also help to ensure more mileage from your dental implants.

If you have more questions about what you should expect from the dental implant process, then reach out to your local dentist to schedule a visit. An attractive and functional smile in the upcoming year is well within your grasp!

About the Author

Dr. Eric Buck earned his dental degree from The Ohio State University College of Dentistry. He helps patients live more fulfilling lives by placing long-lasting dental implants at Distinctive Smiles, and he can be reached for more information through his website.